
Friday, 15 April 2016

Fia Fia night

Last night me my dad and sister went to school for fiafia. When we got there the first thing we did is eating chopsui. The group that I was in was the hip hop group. After we ate Mr bert said
It's time to go to your changing rooms. So I rushed off to Aaliyah. Then we went to our changing 
room. When I had to get change my dad said good luck. Then he went to find a seat. After getting changed we had to go outside and watch the other groups until it was our turn. We
had to go after the Fiji group! I was shevering on the side of the stage. Then it was our turn 
and I felt confident. you know why it's because I was looking straight and everything was all

1 comment:

  1. I looooooooooooooooooooooove your picture it is amazing I really really like your moon is cool and your stars are cool but it is not cool it is amazing and fantastic and more amazing and more fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
